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Our team of trusted experts is ready to break down any questions you have about compost, waste, food, and business.
The Breakdown
by CompostNow.

David Paull
10 hours ago5 min read
Stepped-on, Depleted, and Walked-all-over: Why is Soil Not a Bigger Part of Climate Discussions?
Despite its crucial role in supporting life and stabilizing our planet, soil remains an under-appreciated solution to climate challenges.

Olivia Wilmink
Jul 15, 20242 min read
Press Release: CompostNow Launches New Hard-to-Recycle Pick-up Service
This convenient pick-up service helps homes and businesses recycle items that are not typically collected in curbside recycling programs.

Olivia Wilmink
Jul 15, 20243 min read
Press Release: CompostNow Partners with Live Thrive's CHaRM on Hard-to-Recycle Pick-up Service
CompostNow and Live Thrive’s CHaRM have partnered to offer a Hard-to-Recycle pick-up service in Atlanta, GA.

Alexandria Anderson Sellers
Jun 26, 20247 min read
Through the Eyes of an Intern: A firsthand look at the mission of CompostNow and its community impact.
A firsthand look at the mission of CompostNow and its community impact.

Olivia Wilmink
Mar 1, 20241 min read
Press Release: CompostNow Awarded Compost Manufacturer of the Year by USCC
CompostNow is honored to receive the US Composting Council's Compost Manufacturer of the Year Award

David Paull
Feb 19, 20242 min read
The 2023 Annual Impact Report
We're thrilled to share the impact our members, team, and community have made in 2023.

David Paull
Dec 20, 20234 min read
Expanding Compost Infrastructure in Georgia through Public-Private Partnerships
Community partnership is important for leveraging new funding opportunities and creating municipal compost programs and infrastructure.

David Paull
Nov 16, 20233 min read
CompostNow is a Certified B Corp
In 2022, CompostNow began the process of becoming a certified B Corporation, a business framework that balances purpose and profit.

Olivia Wilmink
Nov 16, 20232 min read
Press Release: CompostNow is B Corp Certified
CompostNow is excited to announce that after a long and thorough process, the company is officially a Certified B Corporation!

Kat Nigro
Jun 8, 20238 min read
Corporate Sustainability: How does composting impact ESG?
In this article, we break down how composting and waste reduction can be an impactful addition to your ESG program portfolio.

Kat Nigro
May 22, 20238 min read
Corporate Sustainability: ESG Programs
Businesses are increasingly being confronted with a new imperative: the need to balance economic success with ESG responsibilities.

David Paull
Apr 3, 20238 min read
Composting for Communities: The Basics
The topic of compost programs is gaining momentum as more local and state governments explore strategies for climate policy.

Olivia Wilmink
Mar 1, 20233 min read
5 Greenwashing Terms that Trick Conscious Consumers
Companies use greenwashing terms to capitalize on growing demands by socially-responsible consumers.

David Paull
Feb 7, 20232 min read
Press Release: CompostNow Receives USDA Grant for Municipal Compost Pilot Program
This two year pilot program will allow City of East Point residents to divert their food waste from landfills, and rebuild local soils.

Kat Nigro
Jan 3, 20236 min read
Composting at Home: The Basics
Composting is a great way to reduce the amount of waste your household sends to landfills.
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